I use images that I set-up in my software writing program (Liquid Story Binder) to get a rise out of me, to set the mood or create an image in my mind of the scene I'm about to write.
I was on flickr.com and last night I stumbled upon d.composed, who has some absolutely AMAZING photography. [swoon]
It is impossible for me to pick just one - they each have potent, ethereal atmospheres about them, yet are very grounded in a natural, urban sensibility. The world in his images have constant juxtapositions of the body assuming it's place in the reflections of the natural world. They are in harmony, yet undeniable separate.
This image for me invokes the weight of existence and how what we struggle to uphold or use as protection still finds a way to seep through and effect us.
And then: I love that the usually dense human form becomes a soil of light, the 'sky' above giving a counter-intuitive sense of the anchor from above.
In my story, THE SOUL'S BELOVED, my characters, each in their own way, struggle with what they are willing to do in order to experience life in it's fullness, to embrace the truth of Love. They struggle with their own sense of being, and what sets them afire.