I was surfing around this morning for author's blogs and came across the Red Room (interesting). There is a virtual treasure chest of author's blogs there, including this recent post from Elizabeth Stark. Stark is the author of Shy Girl (1999), as well as an editor with The Paris Review, and published in countless magazines (and that's just a few highlights from her bio!).

This entry is particularly excellent for those of you out there, like myself, who are writer mama's.

Write on!


  1. Sandra Hamlett on December 8, 2008 at 6:02 AM

    Thanks for these great resources. I've been wanting to connect with other fiction writers. I'm heading over to the Red Room to sign up.

  2. KA Cole on December 12, 2008 at 4:36 PM

    Make sure to check out Elizabeth Stark. I'm really enjoying her tips on writing.
